Glimpse of Yesterday

Glimpse of Yesterday

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Refreshing . . . . . . . .

Today has been an awesome day. God has given me a refreshing that I so desperately needed.

Lately, I have been feeling somewhat out of sorts. Definitely not myself. I have allowed an issue to bother me and pick at me for the past several months. I have carried it with me wherever I go, talked about it and have gotten angry about it more times than I can count. I kept trying to give it to the Lord. Not that He wouldn't accept it. I just can't seem to take my hands off of it. I keep looking at it with my eyes, through my perspective. The way my stomach has felt the past couple of weeks, I think it's literally eating away at me.

Actually, that's not true. There are two issues that have been bothering me. (so the 'it' in the previous paragraph is actually 'them')

I want to trust in God. I say that I trust in God. But I'm not actively trusting in Him.

Today at church we had a special visit from the Teen Challenge Women's Choir. Teen Challenge is an organization that helps adolescents, men and women who are held captive by addictions. Teen Challenge helps these souls establish a relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus, and with His love, work through their problems. The ladies of the choir not only ministered to us through song, but they also shared powerful testimonies of their struggles and how God is working in their lives.

Basically, they showed me that through these issues, I need to praise Him. I need to look up and praise the Lord, even when I don't feel like it. Because when I focus on Jesus and all that He has done for me, I cannot feel angry and bitter. I cannot complain if I'm singing to Him. I cannot look at the faults of others if I'm looking up at Him. I cannot grumble about the attitudes of others if I'm thanking Him for his love for me. I cannot accept his mercy if I am not merciful to others.
I need to stop carrying these 'issues' around with me and keeping them like pets. I need to hand them over once and for all and Be Confident that He will do what He does.

I'm thankful for this day and the refreshment I received.


  1. Hi Lee....I was able to get some things off my chest this weekend too....I think I was able to help *someone* get the help she needed in the form of counseling..we'll see where it goes from there.I learned a lot about what I thought was and wasn't happening in this other person's life...I feel blessed for the time and patience I was given to fashion my approach. ...and I feel oh so Blessed for having the opportunity to help someone else.


  2. A very good word today, Liane! Sounds as if you got just the input that you needed. Praise...never can do enough. (I love Teen Challenge. They were instrumental in helping a family member years ago.)

  3. Isn't it amazing how God sends you the help you need just when you need it:-)

    My pastor delivered a sermon yesterday that really helped me deal with an issue I have been struggling with and it left my heart feeling refreshed too.

