Now, let me just say up front that I am a very boring cook. I tend to make the same five or six dishes because: #1 - I hate shopping, even grocery shopping, and my cart seems to just follow the same route every week in the grocery store, stopping in the same aisles, in front of the same freezers, and being drawn to the same produce (yawn); #2 - My family rarely gives me any feedback regarding the meals I do make and seem to be reluctant in suggesting ingredients or meals that are different (unless it pertains to tater tots, french fries and ice cream); #3 - Because of reason #1, I easily become lazy when my mind wants to make healthier, long-lasting changes to our diet as a family and I fall into the same boring routine.
So, I saw Trent's recipe for Black Bean Burritos and thought, "I can do that!" There are only a few ingredients:

I built my burrito this way:
On the heated tortilla I placed a spoonful of heated black beans near the bottom edge of tortilla, topped with another spoonful of salsa, some shredded lettuce comes next, then a sprinkling of shredded cheese. I then folded bottom edge over all toppings, and, as I began to roll it to the top, folded in the sides (like an envelope) so the filling doesn't spill out.
My family all enjoyed this recipe. What I like about it is that it's inexpensive, healthy, and easily adaptable to other ingredients. And so easy to do!
I hope you'll give it a try, and I recommend that you visit Trent's blog as well.
Have a blessed day!
Sounds delicious! Your comment about that smart shopping cart of yours made me laugh. Mine's the same way.