Glimpse of Yesterday

Glimpse of Yesterday

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Storm that Wasn't........

Well, Earl swept right on by southern New England without even stopping by to say 'Hey'. We had a couple of days of great surf - you should have seen all of the little cars with surf boards tied to the top making a bee line for the beaches!

Friday night came and we waited, and listened, and watched, and.......went to bed. Didn't hear one sound during the night. No gust of wind. No creak of tree limb. Woke up on Saturday and there were maybe three leaves on the ground that weren't there before. Yay! I praise God for answered prayer. The storm weakened in power and moved out east to the ocean just like I prayed for!

We have enjoyed a glorious weekend: no humidity, clear blue skies without any clouds, and the air has been nice and cool. I spent my Labor Day, my one day off until next Sunday, washing and ironing curtains, dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry and I still didn't finish my list! Personally, I think Labor Day needs to be divided into two days: Part I and Part II. Part I to do all of things you need a full day off at home to accomplish and Part II to relax!

So, did you have a nice weekend?

Blessings for a wonderful day!



  1. We enjoyed our Labor Day fun early so we could spend the day actually laboring. :D

    Wasn't that a great storm? Just the kind of hurricane that I love.

  2. I think Labor day was aptly named....I went to the corner hardware store and there was a long line of do it yourselfers :)

    We switched Daughter's room around this weekend and went school shopping. The fun starts TODAY.

    Glad the storm passed you you can make french toast with all that milk and bread :)
