Glimpse of Yesterday

Glimpse of Yesterday

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Welcome, Autumn!!

Ahhhh!  She's here! Autumn! She brings cool breezes that make sleeping Oh, So Wonderful!  The rustling of the leaves that will bring us a spectacular display of yellows, oranges, reds and browns!  The harvests of gardens so lovingly tended and cared for (not mine, personally, that was so horribly neglected)!  Grapes hanging in clusters so plump and aromatic!  Fields dotted with bright orange pumpkins that will be carefully selected for lanterns and sweet pies! 

Today I purchased our first pumpkin of the season....that 23 pound beauty up there.....not only did we pick out the perfect pumpkin, but we also selected an oh-so-scrumptious strawberry-rhubarb pie to share the ride home!  I love this season!  Good bye humidity!! So long bad hair days!!  Welcome roasts, and soups and stews and yummy baked goods!!

I've also noticed that I have a collection of sorts.  I seem to be drawn to prints, paintings and drawings of cottages.  I don't have all of pics here, but I'll share two that I acquired at thrift stores - interestingly, they both cost $10 each:

This print is made with metallic ink.  I wish you could see how beautiful it is in the morning light. 

When I saw this print, I had a nagging feeling that I would have feelings of regret if I didn't purchase it.  Makes you want to go for a stroll with a cup of tea, doesn't it?

I have a few others that I've picked up and would like to do a nice grouping, but I have a lot of work that needs to be done in the dining room first.  So that's a ways in the future.....

Also, I've been doing some jamming!! Nineteen years ago I planted three Concord grape vines in my yard.  Only two grew and I have a wonderful grape arbor that my husband made for me.  So, I've been turning this:
Into this:
I've made 23 jars so far and more to make on Friday.

Well, off to have dinner and some awesome dessert!

Thanks for stopping by and Blessings for a wonderful day!!



  1. Your pumpkin has my pumkin beat by six pounds! It must be a beauty!

  2. pumkin, pumpkin, whatever... LOL!

  3. That's a pretty big pumpkin. It truly represents the Autumn season. Every time I see one it reminds me of that season.
    limo hire sydney price

  4. 23 jars, awesome, and I like your cottage paintings.

  5. Found the sweetest comment you left for me once upon a time... Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!
